Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to Quickly Boost Your Website Link Popularity

After registering your website to various search engines and The main directory, what will you do next? Is everything is pretty and you just wait for the results? Of course not. While awaiting the results of enrollment that ranges between 2 weeks to 3 months, you can increase LINK Popularity of your website. Link popularity is the number Other websites that link leads to your website. More great link popularity, then the ranking of your website on search engines will be higher. Google is one search engine is very concerned link popularity. Even this factor could be the most important. According to Google's analysis, the more a website on the link, the its content the better as well. And more special again, Google can analyze where the arrival of these links. Links from Yahoo or Open Directory would more meaningful than links from other websites. So not only number of links that are considered, but also its quality.

By Google, this technology is called PageRank, which is a technologies that could take into account how well the quality of a web page. Therefore if your website rankings remain under after doing disearch engine  optimization, something is wrong with your link. You are losing competitiveness in the womb link. I myself have find a website design that is only filled paintings and flash, but it can occupy the top 10 in Google. After the investigation it turns out this page linked to by many other websites which also have high link  popularity.  

How do I know the link popularity of a website? Easy, for you just insert your Google syntax "link: www.Youre Name" in the search box. For example if you want to know the link popularity of sites that you have, you just enter "link: www.Youre Name".After that Google will display the entire websites put a link to the, just like regular search results. But there is a much easier way, namely by using tools link popularity checker.

These tools are widely available on the internet, and one of the most easy to use is the Link Popularity Checker Here you can find how much link popularity of your  website, as well as compare with competitors' websites. Not just Google, but the result of a variety of major  search engines ..  

To increase the link popularity you can make barter link with other website content related to your website. You can contact the webmaster of a website that will be invited to barter link. Offer him what the benefits of bartering links, and say also that the content of your website related to website that he had.

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